Playing around with a friend's Speed Light, I managed to capture my future mother-in-law in a totally unaffected pose. I loved the contrast between her sweater and the rest of the room.
Taken in the Distillery District. Closeup of the gear train for the antique drill press in the barrel making building. This drill press would have been connected to an overhead drive shaft by a large leather belt. I bet it made a hell of a racket when it was working, too.
I like the view from here - you can see that the farther away something is, the cleaner, and simpler it looks. It's when you get close up to it that you notice things like graffiti, dirt, and such. Taken from John Street, north of King.
I see it all over the city. Bikes, chained to trees, signs, or bike stands. Left there to rot. This one has been chained up outside a restaurant near the Toronto Sun offices for over two years. Do people forget where they left them? Did the key get lost? Or was it just easier for the owners to lock it up and leave it, rather than dispose of it in a dumpster or something? Also seen on Flickr
Taken on King Street, near John, while I was waiting for the ride home. I love that the sun is visible for so much longer - I get more great shots on the way home, now, than I did back in December. Also seen on Flickr
Taken while I installed Windows XP on his PC, right after he blinked while I was taking another picture. How is it that I can set a 10 second delay, with a 1/5 second shutter speed, and still, he blinks JUST as the shutter clicks. Also seen on Flickr
Okay - so I've been noticing more people around who are using crutches. This guy, at least, has a sympathetic friend with him. Also seen on Flickr