May 2008 Archives

Rust and Gears

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Rust and Gears.jpgMore from the old bike I spotted the other day.  I love the way the rust spreads across the metal.

Rust and Rings

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Rust and Rings.jpgI spotted a very old, very rusted bike on my way home the other day.  

Updating the Mural

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I suppose it was inevitable.  With the takover by CTV and Rogers of the CITY TV network, the mural at the City Headquarters was no longer accurate.  So, they've got this guy updating the labels on all the satellite dishes in the mural. 

Galley Food Market

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I took this on our trip on Saturday from the Junction down to Queen and Roncesvalles.  I love the feel of the neighborhood on Roncesvalles Ave, in Toronto's west end.  It's a wonderful mix of shops, mostly local, without too many big name stores.  I keep hoping that Leslieville will develop some more of the same spirit.

Relaxing in the Park

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Still at Trinity-Bellwoods Park.  It was gorgeous on Saturday - a truly wonderful day to be out in the sunshine.  

Backlit Maple Leaf

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Went out for a stroll this weekend, visiting some of the Contact photography installations around the west end of the city.  It was the first time I stopped in the Trinity Bellwoods park in a long time, and I found this maple leaf hanging at just the right height to be easily snapped.

White Flowers

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I love the spring.  Have I mentioned that on this blog?  I love the appearance of the colors other than white and brown that we see so much over the winter. That being said - I love the white flowers.  

Waiting by Aveda

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Waiting for traffic at  Civello on Queen Street.

Effective Sign

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Effective Sign.jpgSaw this sign on a wall near the Danforth, and I had to laugh - there were two layers of cars parked in front of it.

Light Number Seven

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On The Phone

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On the phone at Queen and John. 

Spring Leaves

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More closeups of foliage again today.  Before the leaves started appearing on this vine, I was thinking that it was dead.  It's very refreshing to see the greenery popping up all over the place.  Reminds me that there is warm weather and sunshine coming soon.

Blooming Trees

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Somebody told me it was a cherry tree.  Whatever it is, the flowers are very pretty - it really brightens up the front yard of our house. 


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'51 Studebaker, parked across the street from my place.  I love the look of old cars.  They had style - no fuel efficiency and terrible aerodynamics, but lots of style.

Airing Out The Parrots

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Airing Out The Parrots.jpgThis guy seems to be letting his parrots get some air, as he waits for the next customer to show up.  The store has been "Closing for Retirement" for six months now, and I guess he's looking forward to getting out of the store.  

No Flyers

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Do you think he's waiting for birds to land in the box?  Or is he there to enforce the flyer policy at this house?  Either way, he doesn't look very happy, does he?

More Blossoms

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I don't know what this tree is, but the flowers look seriously weird.  Once again, more evidence that the long winter is over, and we're starting to look at definite springness.


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Spring is in full swing, and the trees are blooming everywhere.  There are two of these trees on our street, and the blossoms are all out.

Office View

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I love the view from this office.  

Putter's Pack

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I've never seen this brand of cigarettes before.  I found these sitting on top of an old oil drum outside the Opera House on Queen St. East.  I loved the grittiness of the bucket behind it.