June 2008 Archives

School's almost over, now, so it seemed appropriate to take a picture of the brake lights on a school bus. Any day now, the streets will be filled with the sound of kids complaining that they're bored, and wanna go to the mall. Ahh, the sweet sounds of summer.

Looks like the small car is pulling away from the pack. As gas prices continue to rise, I bet more and more people are going to be looking at smaller cars to replace the behemoths they drive now.

Gotta love the summer. Sunny skies, warm weather, bikes on the road. Of course, this week we've had cold weather, and rain, but I'm sure it will get better. :-)

Getting right into the shot at Queen and Church.

I loved the stance, waiting for the streetcar at Queen and John.

It's barbecue season again - and we just got a new barbecue. So, when I saw these two tanks sitting on a neighbour's front steps, I was reminded of what will happen to the shiny new tank that I bought with mine. These two are waiting to be taken off and retired, having served, faithfully, for a long time, judging by the battle scars they display so proudly.

Looks like someone is enjoying the warmer weather. Note the distinct lack of shoes. I love that Umbra has these tables out front to encourage people to stop and enjoy the weather. It's nice to see a company being smart about the ways that they can add to the ambiance of the neighbourhood, and benefit themselves at the same time.

Through most of my life, people around me have smoked while they waited. But ever since smoking has dropped out of fashion, I've noticed more and more people using other things to keep their minds occupied while they wait. Some people read, some people play video games. What do you do?