The weather is definitely improving - you are starting to see more and more "alternative means of commuting" in the city. The long boards are out, and I see a surprising variety of people using them to get around.
I live in Auckland, NZ.. I see a few long boards around, but people are carrying them as often as not. We have too many hills; you can't board up a hill like these, and you can't board down one either.. not if you want to stop in a way that isn't 'ram into a fellow pedestrian/a tree/a wall/'
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This page contains a single entry by Chris published on March 22, 2010 7:00 AM.
I live in Auckland, NZ.. I see a few long boards around, but people are carrying them as often as not. We have too many hills; you can't board up a hill like these, and you can't board down one either.. not if you want to stop in a way that isn't 'ram into a fellow pedestrian/a tree/a wall/'