It's not often that it climbs above 21C in Toronto in April (that's 70F, for those still using the imperial system). But on Sunday, that's exactly what we had, for the third day in a row. It was a fantastic weekend, and the crowds came out in full force for the Beaches Easter Parade. There were bands, there were jugglers, there were vintage vehicles, and there were politicians. Much candy was handed out to the kids in the crowd, and it was a lot of fun.
I got this shot as a pipe band marched by. I have to confess, I love the sound of a pipe band. There's something about the bagpipes that just makes me happy, so when this band showed up, I really enjoyed listening. But I can't decide - do I like the colour version or the black and white? Both are wonderful, but for different reasons. What do you think, folks?