I used to have one of these stools. The steps swung down from under the seat, and you had a mini-ladder for getting stuff off the top shelves in the kitchen. This one looks like it's set up so that the owner can watch traffic flow by, up Broadview.
For some reason, this unused playground equipment feels lonely to me. I remember school days, desperately wanting class to end, so that we could go out for recess and play on the stuff in my school. I miss recess sometimes.
Oh, but it was cold that day. The water was frozen over the small bay at Cherry Beach, but it didn't stop people from walking their dogs down there. With spring coming soon, consider this a little reminder of what we're saying goodbye to for a year.
I just love this sign over an empty storefront on Queen Street. I'm sure (unfortunately) that whoever rents it next won't be a restaurant, and they'll take down the sign.
I don't know who put the art up on the wall of this building, but I'm intrigued by the subject. I wish that I'd paid attention to it when it was still intact. The building is slated to be turned into a condominium tower, as part of what seems to be a real revitalization of the Queen and Sherbourne area. There's tons of new development going into that area, and it'll be interesting to see what happens as gentrification rolls its way through there.
I've never seen this before. He whipped along Queen Street, balancing on the one skate, until he came to the red light. It does look like it would be fun to do, though.
There always seems to be maintenance happening to these stairs. They look cool, but media reports say that they leak all ready. Maybe they were a little too ambitious?
Summer is coming. I know it is. We just have to get through the wet, sloppy, mercurial spring to get to the lovely warmth of summer. And then we can have barbecue whenever we want. I'm so looking forward to getting my grill out of storage and setting it up.
We went for a photowalk on Sunday night. This is a detail from the mural on the side of Joy Bistro, on Queen Street. The food is great, the atmosphere is wonderful, and the building is cool. What more could you want?
More and more people are taking their bikes. You see all kinds - with headgear ranging from full on helmets to bare heads. When I was a kid, nobody wore a helmet while they biked. Now, about three quarters of the riders I see wear them.
The signs of spring are everywhere. The bikers, the skaters, and the ads for trips to warm locales. I'm so happy that it's light later on in the evening - it gives me that much more opportunity to take pictures.
This is the alleyway behind my work. There's always graffiti, but not as creative as some of the stuff further along Queen St. Maybe because opposite the laneway is a residential area.
There are times when I think that this winter will never end. We get warm spells, then it all freezes again. We lose all the snow, then get dumped on again. Spring is only 17 days away. Well, the spring equinox, anyways, when the day is as long as the night. Till then, all we can do is bundle up like this young lady, and endure the ongoing winter.
Interesting metal goblets at the Value Village near me. We went in, looking for bargains, and came out with some. There's always such a weird collection of stuff there - we actually saw a set of Atari 2600 game cartridges, including the horribly bad ET game that I remember playing while working at a Compucentre back in the 80s.
I always see bikes locked up and rusting. Do people lock them up and forget where they parked? Are these always stolen bikes, that have been ridden to their destination and abandoned? Or is this just a way of getting rid of a bike you don't want, without having to pay to have it hauled away? I just don't get it. In this case, it's such a shame, because it's a gorgeous old bike, and it's literally rusting away as it sits there.
I often take my camera with me when I'm wandering from store to store. Sometimes, like this, I see something that I want to share with someone else, because I know they're looking for it. In this case, my son is looking for a new hat - so I snapped this shot to show him what I'd found.