photo: November 2009 Archives

I Am Going To Miss This View

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We're moving in a week and a half, and the packing has been consuming so much of my time that I had to take a moment to capture the skyline at sunset.  As much as I'm going to miss this view, I will have a whole new area to learn about, to take pictures of, and explore.  I can't wait!

Queen and Bay II

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Early evening at Queen and Bay - now (seemingly) the slowest part of the 501-E streetcar route.  Every time I get on the streetcar these days, it seems to take forever to go from here past Yonge Street. 

Fall on Lewis Street

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A lovely fall day, on the way in to work.  It was a busy, busy summer, and now I find myself dreading - and also looking forward to - the upcoming winter.  Hopefully, I'll be able to get more time come December 1 to take and post pictures. 

Hanging Out

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Waiting for something outside the convenience store.  I was surprised to see the bag of garbage hanging on the fire hydrant - I haven't seen that since sometime around the garbage strike this summer.

Construction Site I

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Construction site at King Street West and John Street.  Taken from inside the Tim Horton's across the street.

Eastwood Manor

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Part of our photo-walk on Sunday took us by this place, on Gerrard, east of Coxwell - and the signage is awesomely retro - complete with grime and rust stains.  I love old signs, especially when they show their age.

Elvis - Is That You?

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It's been YEARS since I saw an Elvis bust.  My in-laws used to have booze in ceramic Elvis bottles, and I used to see them when I was frequenting the flea markets around Toronto.  But I didn't expect to see one on the edge of someone's driveway, that's for sure.  Oh Elvis - what have they done to you?

Fall Leaves

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We took a nice walk around what will become our new neighbourhood, and stopped in at a local park to shoot the foliage.  This weekend has been particularly good for fall colours and falling leaves, and it's a chilly reminder that winter is coming.